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Welcome To Brickinspired…

Welcome To Brickinspired…

Welcome! It’s a big world out there, and there are a lot of websites to choose from. Thanks for being here. Take a look around, get used to all the button thingies, and know that they’ve been placed with care.

Yes, this is a place to get news and inspo about a certain creative pastime. But it’s a bit more than that too. I opt (for the sake of being helpful to you as a reader, for me as an editor, and for any writers who might join me) to take the values of curiosity, creativity, and optimism and apply them to life at large. These core ideals are what many people enjoy most about creative pastimes, so I suspect that, although a bit different, you’ll find Is Collecting Really About the Stuff to be just as insightful as Boy Builds Massive LEGO Superhero Ship, and It’s Incredible.

As you explore of your own, you might find these pages especially helpful.

  • The About page is a permanent way to find why we do what we do.
  • If you’d like to share your writings on the site, read the second paragraph of the About page.
  • Popular Culture, Curiosity, the Future, and LEGO are what we write about.
  • Additional opinion pieces will be in Opinions.

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